Responsibility for providing exam related accommodations lies with the course instructor.

However, Disability Resources recognizes that the logistics for providing accommodations on exams can be quite challenging, especially in large courses where there may be many students who need accommodations. Therefore as a courtesy to faculty, Disability Resources offers exam proctoring services. On the first day of classes, while discussing the syllabus, instructors should communicate with their students whether they plan to provide exam accommodations themselves or if they plan to ask Disability Resources to proctor.

Proctoring accommodated exams

Each student should communicate with you whether they would like to use their accommodations on a given exam with sufficient notice for you to make arrangements. It is perfectly reasonable to ask an AI/TA or other staff in your department for assistance with proctoring accommodated exams.

Some students have been approved for an accommodation of a distraction-reduced exam environment. This means that the exam room should have limited visual and auditory stimuli. Generally speaking, we recommend that a distraction-reduced room should have approximately 15 or fewer students. If your course has a small class size then your classroom may already be considered a distraction-reduced environment. Otherwise it may be necessary to reserve an adjacent classroom or departmental conference room if available. If the students with accommodations will be proctored in a different room than the rest of the class it is important to ensure that they have the same opportunity to ask clarifying questions during the exam. You are encouraged to contact Disability Resources with specific questions about implementing distraction-reduced accommodations as well as any other type of accommodation.

Assistance from Disability Resources

Instructors should notify students at the very beginning of the semester if they plan to have Disability Resources proctor exams with accommodations. This is critical because the student is responsible for telling Disability Resources that they would like to use their approved accommodations on a specific exam. The students will do this by submitting a request form on our website at least 7 days in advance. If a student has submitted the request form 7 days in advance then the Disability Resources Coordinator will contact you approximately a week before your exam to make specific arrangements. If the student does not submit the request form 7 days in advance then Disability Resources cannot guarantee they will be able to proctor. In that case the student will be referred back to you with the understanding that you may or may not be able to provide their accommodations in class.

In order for Disability Resources to proctor your exam accurately, it is necessary that you submit an Exam Form Agreement to share your proctoring instructions and upload a copy of the exam. Disability Resources will return the completed exam to you via the method you indicate on the Faculty Exam Form.