Disability Resource is committed to helping disabled students and their parents make a smooth adjustment from high school to the University environment.

This transition carries with it new responsibilities for students, as they have obligations to act on their own behalf much more than was generally expected of them in the K-12 setting. Conversely, parents often struggle with making the transition to being a support to their student, rather than the primary communicator and “doer.” Our goal is to work in tandem with students and families because we have a shared goal and objective.

The information for New Students and linked below will be helpful in understanding the new expectations, roles, and responsibilities for disabled students in higher education.

Dear Parent Letter

A letter from the Office of the Assistant Secretary at the Department of Education
Transition of Students With Disabilities To Postsecondary Education: A Guide for High School Educators
Tackling College with Autism

Yale Professor Dr. Jane Thierfeld Brown talks about her program “College Autism Spectrum,” which provides college-level support and training for parents, students, and professionals involved with the Autism community. This lecture provides information for students and their parents and supporters on important considerations in thinking about college and selecting programs with a good fit for the student. (Nov. 21, 2017)